Deed-restricted community: What it means


A deed-restricted community can exist anywhere, and they can seriously affect your lifestyle if you don’t read the fine print before you pack up and move to one. Before moving into a deed-restricted community, find out what that term means and the types of restrictions you might face.

Deed-restricted community: What it means

A deed-restricted community is one where legal restrictions limit the use of the home, the property surrounding it or access to it. The restrictions are part of a home’s legal deed and limit how the real estate can be used.

Deed restrictions stay with the deed for the home or land and cannot be removed except through legal proceedings. Anyone who purchases the property must abide by them.

Deed-restricted communities usually include covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs). A deed restriction can also be referred to as a restrictive covenant, and although most people associate CC&Rs with homeowner associations, they can exist in a variety of ways outside an association.

“Shared roads in a rural community might have county deed restrictions even though the homes in the community do not belong to a homeowners association,” said Monica D. Stone, a licensed real estate and mortgage broker based jointly in California and North Carolina. “For example, one person might have an access road through their land, but when they sell that land, the new owner would have the same easements, responsibilities and restrictions. The easement might be recorded in the form of a deed for neighbor rights of ingress and egress. The property owner is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of the road unless there is a written agreement about maintenance among everyone who uses it.”

While some deed restrictions have expiration dates, others do not.

Common deed restrictions

Deed restrictions can vary by city or county, and some variances are more common than others. Some of the most common types of restrictions involve running a business from a home, road and utility easements, mineral rights or common spaces. Other types of deed restrictions can impact things like:

  • Fencing
  • Exterior paint
  • Home exterior height
  • The age of the occupant
  • Vehicle parking
  • Breeds or types of pets you can own
  • Plants and trees

Deed restrictions can also be placed on properties by developers and homeowner associations (HOAs) as well as city, county or state governments. The goal is to protect the property’s value as well as the value of nearby properties.

“Condominiums tend to have a lot of deed restrictions that are very clear about who can do what to a common space or exterior walls,” said Stone. “New home developments can really vary and tend to apply restrictions more toward allowing access to utility companies or the sale of mineral rights from the land the home sits on.”

In some states, such as California, a deed restriction can even impact a homebuyer’s ability to obtain a loan.

“Homeowners associations need FHA approvals before a buyer can obtain an FHA loan to purchase a home within that association,” Stone said. “If the association has deed restrictions that FHA hasn’t approved, for example, you might be denied a home loan through FHA and need to pay cash or get a conventional loan instead.”

There are even deed restrictions that limit how many bedrooms a home can have or the types of cars that can be in a home’s driveway.

Deed restricted vs. HOA

Homeowner associations are usually legal entities created by real estate developers to help manage new home developments, but they can also be a voluntary group made up of homeowners who want to keep their neighborhoods looking a certain way and maintain property values. HOA members are elected from the community’s residents and can make, change or remove rules as they wish according to the guidelines of the association.

Part of that can entail creating simple rules such as no Christmas lights hanging outside past Valentine’s Day, although an HOA can apply for a legally-enforceable deed restriction, too. However, HOA rules should not be confused with deed restrictions. While both are enforceable in different ways, HOA rules are easily changeable while deed restrictions are not.

How to find deed restrictions on a house

If you’re thinking of buying a home, there are a couple of places you can check to try and determine if there are any deed restrictions on the property.

  • Your real estate agent can access property records to look for deed restrictions from previous listings.
  • You can ask to search property records yourself at the municipal or county clerk’s office.
  • Ask the property developer for deed restriction information.
  • Talk to the HOA president.
  • Hire a title company before closing to conduct a title search for any deed restrictions.

If you find a restriction, read it and be sure you understand it. If you don’t, ask someone to help you. That could include asking for a legal interpretation.

Ignorance of a deed restriction is not usually a valid defense if someone seeks to enforce it, so confirm whether there are any restrictions on the property you want to buy.

Can you change a deed restriction?

While some rules of an HOA might be easily changed, deed restrictions cannot. They typically require court intervention because they are a legally binding contract a buyer agrees to when purchasing a home.

In some cases, you can obtain consent directly from each person who has a right to enforce a deed restriction. If they agree to remove the restriction and sign legally binding paperwork appropriate for the situation, the restriction can be released.

Some deed restrictions have expiration dates or provide options for making changes. Once an expiration date passes, you no longer need to abide by the restriction. Many restrictions, however, do not expire so be sure you completely understand the one attached to your property.

How do deed restrictions affect the price of a property?

In some cases, deed restrictions can substantially impact a property’s value. For instance, if you’re buying a home to rent out through a service like Airbnb but a deed restriction limits property leases to terms of six months or more, you may not be able to use the property as an Airbnb. In that case, the property wouldn’t be worth much to a would-be investor.

On the other hand, that same deed restriction might be very valuable to someone who wants to purchase a home and not have short-term renters in and out next door.

Other deed restrictions, such as architectural guidelines, said Stone, might actually increase property values in some cases because residents in the area find the restrictions desirable for ensuring uniformity and consistent property use.

Then again, in cases where, for example, certain loan types won’t be granted in specific communities because of deed restrictions, the pool of buyers can shrink. That can, of course, impact value if there aren’t enough buyers willing to pay the price requested.

Living in a deed restricted community

If you decide to live in a deed-restricted community, be sure you understand the rules and any processes you need to follow to update your property, even inside the home.

In areas where HOAs enforce deed restrictions, there are usually submission forms and residents must wait until the HOA board grants approval to begin updates. If you don’t follow the rules, you can get fined or, in extreme cases, even have your home foreclosed.

Bottom line

Deed restrictions are fairly common in many parts of the US. Before you buy, be sure you understand how any property restrictions could impact your lifestyle. Not all restrictions are bad. As long as you know what you’re agreeing to, you can enjoy your new home without worry.

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