Understanding the FEMA Flood Zone Maps


Understanding the FEMA Flood Zone Map


V and VE Zones

  • Include high-risk coastal areas with a one percent annual chance of flooding.

  • Over the span of a 30-year mortgage, the chance of flooding in these areas is 26 percent.

  • Properties located in V and VE zones carry additional risk associated with velocity from storm waves.

  • VE zones have had detailed hydraulic analyses conducted to determine Base Flood Elevations.

  • Base Flood Elevations for V zones have not been determined.

  • Flood insurance is mandatory for properties in all V/VE zones.

A and AE Zones

  • Like V zones, A zones, face a higher risk of flooding than other flood zones.

  • There are five types of Zone ‘A’ floodplains.

  • Properties in an A zone are typically located near non-coastal bodies of water, like ponds, rivers or streams.

  • Flood insurance is mandatory for properties in all A zones

B, C and X Zones

  • Considered low-to-moderate flood risk zones.

  • These classifications differ from A and V Zones in that they are assigned to homes in Non-Special Flood Hazard Areas (NSFHAs).

  • Although it is not mandatory, getting flood insurance for properties in these zones is still recommended.

D Zones

  • These ratings apply to any geographic area where FEMA has not conducted a flood risk analysis.

  • Again, flood insurance isn’t required for homes in these areas, but it is still recommended.

Despite what zone you are in, you should still get a policy for flood insurance.Because you never know....
If you have any question or need some real estate information. Give me a call or DM @ 
Roy SawyerMuniz Realty956-588-9811roysawyer@gmail.comwww.buysellmcallen.com   


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