Five reasons your rent is going up


The economy is recovering and Covid-19 appears to be over (for now?).

Are we getting back to the way things were?


Government induced INFLATION is now hurting everyone...

It is affecting groceries, cars, GAS, IRAs, everything just name it...

But what about the Housing Market?

Homes are just more expensive (turn on the tv) because demand like folks exiting some of the high tax states and moving to others like Texas and Florida. There many other reasons but herein Texas that does explain a lot. This is also a reason for a home shortage and which is Economics 101. Supply and Demand... So very limit home inventory equals The few homes that are available, People will pay more to just get application in.

So what about rents?

Rents are now going up, up and away.

Here are 5 reasons why...

1. Booming demand as more people want to live on their own.

2. A pricey — and competitive — housing market that has locked out many would-be home buyers.

3. Home Shortage - Due to the booming housing market the last few years, Homes inventories are low.

4. Expiration of rent freezes and other measures that helped keep rents low during the pandemic.

5. More wealthy renters.

If you have some there reasons that you might think rents are going up.

Id love to hear about them,


Roy Sawyer



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